Christopher Schutzeichel 应用

Lab Tools 1.4
Lab Tools is the successor of the successful chemistry app'Chemistry Calculations'. It is designed as a small, but usefulapplication for lab work. To achieve this goal the app providesdifferent tools for calculating frequently needed values.Additionally reference values are provided to imitate a compactreference book. The tools cover different topics from solutionproperties like pH-value to physicochemical calculations like theBoyle-Mariotte-Law. Additionally the app features an unit converterfor different values like length, volume, weight etc. The toolsprovide the possibily to use a variety of input units and everytool is accompanied by a helping dialog to explain usage andresult. The available Pro-Upgrade provides you with a completelynew section with various tools for a small amount of money. Thereference tables cover different topics, which include a periodictable with information for every element and a molar masscalculator(Reference tables are Pro-Version only). To increase theefficiency frequently used tools can be marked as favorites to makethem faster accessible.
Calisthenics Workout 1.1.1
Calisthenics Workout ist THE app for your bodyweight workoutneeds,if you want to create custom workouts and exercises just likeyouwish to. Supporting different workout and exericse types, aswellas settings for rounds, pauses and countdowns you cancreateexactly the workout you need to progress. You can performcircuit,set and superset (more to come) workouts using theexercises fromthe preset database with over 100 differentexercises, or you cancreate custom exercises to use. The app leadsyou through theworkout so you can focus on your reps and don't haveto worry aboutkeeping track. For each exercise the count is trackedso you cancompare your performance and see where you improved. Ifyou justwant to keep track of the exercises done during a freesession youcan use the Counter to write everything down and save itwhen youare finished. (Pro) Or you use the build-in timer,countdown orinterval timer to perform timed exercises freely. Tokeep anoverview of your workouts you have the Workout History withaCalendar view, making workout planning easy. You can alsosetreminders for specific days to keep you on track. (Pro) Tofurtherimprove your training you can calculate your energy needswith theCalorie Calculator and improve your nutrition. (Pro) Tokeep yourcustom workouts and exercises, as well as your workouthistory saveyou can use the backup-feature to save and restore itat localstorage or at Google Drive. Future Features: MOARExercises(including images and descriptions) and Workouts DifferentWorkouttypes Reminder Calendar Workout Statistics
Chemistry Calculations 1.8.3
This application is intended to be a help with commoncalculationsin the field of chemistry. Now with buyablePro-upgrade! There arethe following features: - pKa-equation forweak acids -pKb-equation for weak bases -Henderson-Hasselbalch-Equation -Nernst-Equation - Thermodynamics(Ideal gas, Boyle, Lussac) - Unitconverter for several units -Equation to calculate dilutions -Tools for preparing solutions -Tool to calculate solubility of acompound - Tool to calculateamount of substance from mass percent- Molecule weight calculator -Periodic table with informationabout every element and links toexternal sources - Referencetables for physical constants,reduction potentials, solubilityproducts, pKa- and pKb-values andSI-Prefixes Upgrade toPro-version to support the development andget more reference data!- Use a great variety of units within thetools, without convertingthem individually! - Choose your preferredunit for temperaturesand radii in the periodic table - Atomic,covalent andvan-der-Waals radii - Ionization energies - Morereductionpotentials - More pka- and pKb-values - More solubilityproductsTablets are fully supported! If you have any questionsorsuggestions for additional content, please contact me.